
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mistakes, Errors, and Omissions

T-shirt from Teespring

I'm so glad to have Dear Warriors out on Amazon!

That being said, it also means some of my faults are revealed to the world. Not only my diabetes management ones: this includes my writing ones. It's nerve-racking. Or nerve-wracking, as a variant or downright incorrect but widely accepted variation. See how hard this is???

I'm going to use this blog entry to post the mistakes in Dear Warriors as I become aware of them. I tried very hard to publish a work without errors, however, that has been an elusive goal for me. It makes me cringe and wish to never write and share again, but I will try to resist that temptation to hide.

Why? We only grow by learning from our mistakes. Therefore, I need your help!!

As you read the book, please reach out to me at when you spot something that doesn't look quite right. If it's a new mistake, I'll post it here and cite your editing prowess with gratitude. 

I wish to extend my apologies in advance and thank you for your patience and consideration.

Page 144

I discovered that I mistyped Ashlee Kellogg's name once in her biography as "Ashley". I'm so sorry, Ashlee!

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