
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Type 1 Art Requested!

My name is Susan Baumgartner, and I am writing and editing a non-fiction, guided journal for people who, like me, live with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The book is tentatively titled Dear Warriors. Its format is a variation on my book to teachers (link to its supporting blog here). I am a huge believer in the idea, “We are stronger together” and would love for my new book to showcase that thought.

How? By including art and illustrations by those with T1D.

I’m not looking for professional artists and I am not looking for straight “diabetes” themed art. Some images might overtly depict “diabetes”, but I don’t think that’s a requirement or the point. My essays include general thoughts about life, as well as specific topics that only those with this condition are deeply aware. From childbirth to hypoglycemia, from general anger to our need for loved ones’ support: there are both universal and specific topics. Therefore, I think the images that would best support them could include a broad range of styles and subjects.

I expect some images may send me back to the keyboard to revise or rewrite my essays. That’s part of the beauty. We and our ideas grow over time and with connections.

I hope to include at least 10 illustrations in my book of approximately 50 essays- plus cover art. If you wish to submit a PDF image file for review, please send it to with the following information:

Artist name
Artist preferred contact info

Artist age
Artist age at diagnosis
The title of the piece
A short description of your piece and inspiration

For those 18 and under: I absolutely wish to see art from children with T1D! Please submit as a parent or guardian and note that in your submission.

Final image requirements to publish (set by printer, not for initial submission):

Resolution: 300 DPI or higher
Format: JPEG (JPEG Photoshop compression level with quality 10 or higher), or TIFF (use JPEG or lossless compression)

While I cannot provide money for your work, any images chosen will be clearly cited within my book and I will post a page of artist biographies on my blog. In addition, you will receive 1 free copy of the book once it is published, shipping included. If self-published as my prior work, it will be available for purchase on after publication. You can view my current work on my main blog

Decisions on art submissions will be finalized by July 31, 2018.

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